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No More January Blues

Written by: The Dene Team

No More January Blues 

As the holiday season ends and the new year begins, many of us find ourselves grappling with a common, albeit unwelcome January Blues. 

It's that time of year when the festivities have faded, and the reality of cold, dark days sets in, leaving many feeling tired, unmotivated, and fatigued. We first must acknowledge that these are more common than we think. In January 2023 NHS Inform wrote an article explaining that SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) or the ‘Winter Blues’, as some call it, can affect 2 million people within the UK and more than 12 million people across Northern Europe. 

There are many things that contribute to our January Blues such as the post-holiday letdown, financial stress from Christmas, and setting unrealistic New Year’s Resolutions, however we want to help find ways to combat these feelings and make January one of the happiest months, to start the year fresh and get you up and going! Here are some ideas and inspiration for you to take on board for your 2024 beginning!


Embrace the Light

Seek out natural light as much as possible. Open curtains, take short walks during daylight hours, and consider investing in a light therapy box if you live in an area with limited sunlight. Doing this will help increase your serotonin levels, which in turn will increase your energy, and help keep you calm, positive and focused. 


Maintain a Routine

Establishing and sticking to a daily routine can provide structure and stability during the post-holiday period. Set regular sleep and mealtimes and create a schedule that includes activities you enjoy, even if it is as small as baking or reading. 


Practice Self-Care

Prioritize self-care activities that boost your mood, such as exercise, meditation, or hobbies. Taking care of your physical and emotional well-being is essential for overcoming the January Blues as seeing small changes in yourself can lead to increased productivity.


Set Realistic Goals

Instead of setting lofty New Year's resolutions, opt for smaller, achievable goals. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small, and remember that progress takes time.


Socialize and Connect

Maintain social connections by reaching out to friends and family, even if it's just for a virtual chat. Sharing your feelings and experiences can provide emotional support and help combat loneliness.


Budget Wisely

Take control of your finances by creating a realistic budget and a plan for paying off holiday-related debt. Financial stability can alleviate stress and contribute to a more positive mindset. You can even make it fun, why not create your own little piggy bank to stash away some savings just for a rainy day, or even use the 100 envelopes challenge as a fun and different way to store some cash away!


To conclude the January Blues are a common experience, but they don't have to define your year. By implementing these strategies, you can navigate this challenging period with resilience and optimism. Remember that it's okay to seek professional help if your symptoms persist or worsen. With the right support and self-care, you can overcome the January Blues and look forward to a brighter and more fulfilling year ahead!



Stand With Ukraine

Written by: The Dene Team

Dene Healthcare have been sending medical supplies to Dnipro for the brave people of Ukraine since the Russian invasion on the 24th February 2022.  

If you are able to support Dene in this worthy cause in any way then please get in touch.

Our minds and hearts are with you!



Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust Partnership with Dene Healthcare

Written by: The Dene Team

Known collectively to their customers as the ‘Dene Team’ they set up a sub-group of particularly environmentally conscious staff members called ‘The Green Team’ to measure, justify and reduce their carbon emissions to net zero by 2030!

Dene Healthcare has now reduced its total footprint in measured emissions by 72% and over 90% of their staff are now certified as carbon literate.

While determined to achieve their ambitious target in such a short period without ‘off-setting’ the ‘Green Team’ at Dene chose to partner with the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust, firstly as they are a proud Yorkshire based Company and secondly to further support what should be a global, combined effort!

To date Dene Healthcare have committed to supporting the planting of over 1750 trees and plan to invest and contribute further in 2024.

Gareth Fox, Operations Manager and lead of Dene’s Green Team, said:

“We are delighted to have been accepted as a partner of the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust!  The work they do is truly inspiring and motivational!  It has become our ambition at Dene Healthcare to try and mimic the dedication and impact they have on our planet!  Climate change is a global emergency and while no one can resolve the issue by themselves we believe establishing and aligning ourselves with organisations such as the YDMT is a positive step towards building improved climate conscious networks for the future!”

We’re delighted that Dene Healthcare has linked up with us to ensure that even more native woodlands and hedgerows can be planted, as well as enabling more people to connect with nature, to care for our woodlands and boost their wellbeing.


Premises Development

Written by: The Dene Team

Dene Healthcare now offer a complete range of services for your premises development requirements.

Everything from reallocating hard copy patient records to your phase 1,2 and 3 development needs.

Call us for a free no obligation consultation!  

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